Helping you get from A to B
No matter how you choose to move around Merri-bek, every time you leave your house, you are engaging with Merri-bek's transport network. Whether you're walking, riding a bike or driving, and whether you're headed to school drop-off, work, or to the shops, traveling is essential to live our lives.
We're working to improve the way you can travel around Merri-bek, now and into the future. This includes both improving current infrastructure and creating some new, and giving our community greater choice in how they can get around.
We're committed to working with our community on our transport projects. On this page, you can find more information on our current, major transport projects, and provide feedback.
Projects open for feedback
Albert Street streetscape improvements
Breese Street streetscape improvements
Improving Harding-Munro Street
Batman Avenue shared zones
Albert and Victoria Streets Shared Zones
Walking and Riding in Fawkner
Barrow Street Trial Road Closure
Victoria Street - Streets for People
O'Hea Street bike lane extension
Harding Street Bridge Replacement Project
Glenroy to Coburg Bike Route
Moving Around Merri-bek
Our transport projects are guided by our transport strategy, Moving Around Merri-bek.
This is a document that provides long-term, strategic guidance for the way we work to improve our transport system. The strategy was written based on community feedback and consultation and research, and adopted by Councillors in March 2024.
Moving Around Merri-bek is based around 6 values. They are:
Streets for People
Moving Around Merri-bek also outlines Streets for People, our framework for making changes to our streets.
Streets for People helps make changes to streets to benefit all users, and ensure we align project outcomes with our commmunity's values and strategic goals.