Project updates

What we are proposing

We are seeking to install a two-way bike lane on the north side of O’Hea Street between Sussex Street and Derby Street. This will extend the existing two-way bike lane that is situated on the south side of O’Hea Street and stops at the intersection with Sussex Street.

As the existing and proposed bike lanes are on opposite sides of the road, we are also proposing the installation of a diagonal bike crossing and dedicated signals for bike riders at the O'Hea and Sussex Streets intersection. This will allow riders to easily and safely navigate through the intersection without affecting traffic.

There is also potential for this bike lane extension to continue from Derby Street to Irvine Street. This additional extension would link this section of road more effectively with other bike routes in the area.

Details relating to this further extension to Irvine Street will be determined based on the outcome of this community consultation and our works on other bike projects.

On this page, please see:

  • Map of the proposed bike lane extension
  • Cross section of O'Hea street

Please tell us what you think via the survey further down the page. Your feedback will help us finalise our plans. Detailed concept designs for the proposed extension are also available via the document library on this page.

Streetscape changes

The installation of the existing O'Hea street bike lane created opportunities for landscaping, and allowed for additional tree planting, greatly improving the amenity of the streetscape.

This bike lane extension will provide these same opportunities for greening and tree planting to further improve the look and feel of the street.

An illustration of a cross section of a street. From left to right there is: 1.5m footpath, 2m landscaping, 1.5m cycling lane in one direction, 1.5m cycling lane in the other direction, 0.8m barrier, 3m driving lane in one direction, 3m driving lane in th

Cross section of O'Hea street. Please click the image for a larger view.

Why we are we doing this

During our engagement on the Moving Around Merri-bek transport strategy, we heard frequently from our community about the struggles people face when walking and riding to travel east-west in Merri-bek.

We also heard from children of school age, their parents and schools that safety riding to and from school is a major concern.

Currently, the two-way lanes end abruptly, leaving riders without adequate infrastructure to continue to ride on. This proposed extension will address this gap, allowing riders of all confidence levels to continue their journeys safely.

This project is important as it helps open up east-west travel in Merri-bek for bike riders, offering a safe, relaxed alternate route to Bell Street, which is not suitable for riding bikes.

The lanes will also help students from Coburg North Primary School journey to and from school using active transport options.

What happens next

Following consultation, we will work to incorporate feedback to our designs.

These designs are expected to be brought to Councillors in mid-2024 for endorsement. Construction is expected to begin in early 2025.

Community members will be updated throughout the process, and residents will be informed of works well in advance.