Changing the way our streets operate can create safer and more efficient street experience for all road users. Sometimes, that includes limiting through-access for motor vehicles and opening up the street for use via other modes of transport and local residents.
Trial road closure
We we will be installing a trial road closure on Barrow Street, Coburg, south of Harding Street. During this trial, bollards will be installed on Barrow Street south of the intersection with Harding Street, and would prevent motor vehicle traffic from passing through.
The 12-month trial is planned to begin during school holidays in December 2024/January 2025, with the installation of trial bollards to mark the closure.
This timing will allow local traffic to adjust to the new arrangement before local students return to the nearby schools in 2025.
During the 12-month trial, we will monitor the site, and gather relevant traffic data and further community feedback.
These findings will help us assess whether a permanent closure is appropriate for this location.

Why we are doing this
Barrow Street is an important local walking and biking link, connecting many local destinations that are significant for our local community, and forms part of the East Brunswick Shimmy bike route.
It is also a key walking and biking link for local school students from Coburg High and Primary Schools, Antonine College and Merri-bek Primary School. The closure is also expected to significantly enhance the comfort, safety and amenity of the streets surrounding the nearby St Bernard’s Catholic Primary School.
This trial closure is expected to create a safer road environment for our most vulnerable road users such as these school children, pedestrians and people riding bikes by reducing vehicle volumes and speeds, while maintaining local access for residents to enjoy a quieter and safer street environment.
The trial closure is expected to have minimal impact on motor vehicle traffic in the area, with many available alternative routes for drivers.
Why we are installing a trial
Road closures are carefully considered to ensure that they create the safest on-road experience and have the greatest possible community benefit.
Installing the infrastructure as a trial is part of the rigorous standards required by the Local Government Act for road closures. A trial also allows us to evaluate the infrastructure for suitability and any changes that can be made to improve the site in the event the closure is made permanent.
Previous consultation
In May 2024, we asked our community what they thought of the proposed closure of Barrow Street. Community members were able to provide feedback through a survey and a hearing of submissions.
58 per cent of the 449 people who provided feedback on the trial were in support of the proposed road closure.
At the Council Meeting on Wednesday 10 July, Council decided to proceed with the trial road closure on Barrow Street, south of Harding Street, Coburg.
This decision was made based on analysis of traffic data, recommendations from the Department of Transport, and the community feedback gathered.