How we can help

As part of the trial, we are reviewing the waste needs at your property to help get the right bin set-up for your building or development. This is because most people living in units, townhouses and apartments in Merri-bek use shared bins.

We are working with residents, Owners Corporations and property managers.

We can help by:

  • adjusting the size and number of bins you have
  • rearranging bin storage areas so that bins are accessible and
  • adding educational signage so it is clear what goes in each bin.

If households have their own individual rubbish bin, we can work with you to transition to using shared bins and reduce your waste charge at the same time.

In some cases, residents will use individual rubbish bin. This is to make sure that shared bin storage ares can be used for mixed recycling, glass recycling and food and garden organics (FOGO) bins.

We'll deliver new rubbish bins to your building or development in May 2025.

What are shared bins?

If you live in a unit, townhouse or apartment in Merri-bek with 4 or more households, it is likely that you already use some shared bins.

Shared bins are used by everyone living in your building or development. Shared bins are usually clearly labelled and stored in a common area.

Shared bins are used where there is not enough space for each household to store their own 4 bins. Shared bins have a lower waste charge than individual bins.

Got any questions?

Please contact us:

Contact Information
Phone 9240 1111