Eligible households can get a large rubbish bin (above the standard 120-litre bin) at no extra cost. This is called a concession.
Households eligible for a concession can get a rubbish bin (above the standard rubbish bin size) one size bigger than the bin they have.
For example, if you have a 120-litre rubbish bin, you can get a 240-litre bin at no extra cost. If you have a 240-litre rubbish bin, you can get an additional 120-litre bin at no extra cost.
Your household may be eligible for a concession if:
This is a new concession for the fortnightly rubbish trial.
Are you eligible?
Households with 2 or more children under the age of 4 years in daytime nappies can apply for a large rubbish bin at no extra cost.
You may need to provide supporting documentation that shows the children's ages.
The concession will expire after one year unless a subsequent application is approved.
How to apply
Complete the bin size form to apply. Click here to go to the bin size page to order your bin.
Are you eligible?
Households with 4 or more dependents (for example children or elderly relatives) who permanently live at the property can apply for a large rubbish bin at no extra cost.
You may need to provide supporting documentation showing the number of people living in your home.
How to apply
Complete the bin size form to apply. Click here to go to the bin size page to order your bin.
Are you eligible?
Households where someone lives with a medical condition or disability that creates lots of extra waste can apply for a large rubbish bin at no extra cost.
You may be need to provide a letter from a medical practitioner or hospital stating that the condition creates extra waste.
How to apply
Complete the bin size form to apply. Click here to go to the bin size page to order your bin.
This is a new concession for the fortnightly rubbish trial
Are you eligible?
Households where someone holds a Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card, Veteran's Affairs Gold Card or Low-income Health Care Card can apply for a large rubbish bin at no extra cost.
We will let you know if you need to provide any of the supporting documentation listed above.
How to apply
Complete the bin size form to apply. Click here to go to the bin size page to order your bin.

Not eligible for a concession?
You can still get a larger rubbish bin. Larger bins have a higher waste charge.
You might also like to explore how you can reduce waste at home more so that you might be able to use a smaller bin. Visit our Reducing household waste page to learn more.
If you have special circumstances and are not eligible for a concession, please give us a call to discuss your options on 9240 1111.
For more detailed information on the concessions, please view our Kerbside Waste Service and Charge Policy, pages 13-14.