We're trialling a new way to reduce waste

Starting 1 July 2025, we're going to trial collecting general rubbish bins every 2 weeks in parts of Hadfield, Brunswick and Brunswick West.

We'll work together with households and businesses in the trial areas to 'transform the norm'. By putting even more food scraps into food and garden organics (FOGO) bins instead of rubbish bins, we can reduce costs and create more compost to help grow the food we eat.

We notified households in trial areas in November 2024 by mail, and again in February 2025. If you didn't receive a letter, then you're not in the trial and your bin collections will remain the same.

If you received a letter, please click the Participant Hub button for more information.

Participant Hub

Are you in one of our trial areas? Click the button below to find out more

Why we're doing it

It's costing more to send waste to landfill, so reducing waste going to landfill is more important than ever before. This trial aims to help keep landfill and collection costs (which make up the waste charge paid by ratepayers) low for the future.

Even though you're doing a great job with the 4-bin service, there's more we can do.

More than 20 Victorian councils already collect rubbish bins every 2 weeks. They're sending less to landfill because people put their food scraps in the food and garden organics (FOGO) bin every week.

We've noticed a lot of food scraps still being put in rubbish bins - about a third of what's in there is food waste.

That's like throwing out 5 meals every week!

rubbish bin with arrow showing 5 plates of food wasted

It costs more to send food waste to landfill than it does to turn it into compost.

Watch the video below to find out how your food and garden waste is turned into compost and used by farms and gardens to help grow the food we eat.

How we got here

We've been rolling out changes to our kerbside waste service in stages since 2022. This way, we can help households get used to the new system and make the change as easy as possible for everyone.

In July 2023, we started our 4-bin waste service. This change was part of the State Government's Recycling Victoria Policy and we heard feedback from our community during consultation on our waste service.

Along with a new purple bin for glass bottles and jars, we also made changes to hard waste collections and our waste charge.

The next step to help reduce waste is to trial collecting rubbish bins every 2 weeks.

We know this is a big change for Merri-bek residents, so we'll first test collecting rubbish bins every 2 weeks in one area in the north of Merri-bek and one in the south. This trial will help us figure out the best way to bring fortnightly rubbish collections to all of Merri-bek.

Click here to learn more about the introduction of our 4-bin waste service.

What happens next

We're working with households and businesses in the trial areas to prepare for fortnightly rubbish collections. The trial starts 1 July 2025.

After the trial, Council will decide on the future of fortnightly rubbish collections for the rest of Merri-bek.

Images of fruit scraps, leaves and flowers