What happened in Stage 2 of our consultation?

In stage 2 we wanted to make sure we'd heard the community's ideas loud and clear before we presented our draft plan. We used feedback from stage 1 of consultation to identify opportunities for improvement and asked the community which of these was important to them or if we'd missed anything.

On this page you can see how we collected online feedback and read the community report of our stage 2 findings. This feedback was used to create a draft plan to improve the parklands.

Opportunities that shaped the draft Plan

We asked the community to get involved in the design process by filling out a survey, and voting and commenting on their favourite opportunities and ideas for improving the parklands.


Community thoughts

What do you think?

After reviewing the Report for stage 2 engagement, please share your thoughts or let us know if there is anything you feel we have missed.

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  • Dissatisfied
    50% (6 votes)
  • Poor
    0% (0 votes)
  • Average
    17% (2 votes)
  • Satisfied
    17% (2 votes)
  • Very satisfied
    17% (2 votes)
Total Votes: 12
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