We received so much helpful feedback on the draft plan, speaking to people in person at the parklands, over the phone and online.
Below you can see the draft plan that we presented and all the online submissions we received.
Document Library
Proposed improvements
Draft Plan - Proposed improvements
The icons on the map provide more information about what has been proposed across the parklands.

Implementation of the plan
- The final Plan acknowledges the significant impact on parkland and community concern regarding building heights and setbacks on privately owned land and resultant overshadowing of parkland. Council acknowledges the need to develop stronger planning controls to protect sensitive open spaces from overshadowing. In 2023, Council began a refresh of the Open Space Strategy, which will lay the groundwork for the review of the planning scheme to better manage overshadowing and other visual impacts from development.
- The plan does not provide detailed designs for each of its proposed projects. If Council was to proceed with a project in the plan, detailed design and community engagement would be required.
- Following engagement on the proposed ideas, all feedback received and has been closely reviewed and incorporated into the final plan, to be considered by Council for adoption in early 2023. Following on from this Plan, further site analysis will be required to assist with preparing a construction-ready design.
- Implementation of the Actions is dependent on the availability of Council and Grant funding and prioritisation of the project.
- Some of the plan projects can be progressed sooner than others due to funding and stages of project development. In the meantime, the Plan will also be used to inform Council’s other current projects, such as the Open Space Strategy and ongoing advocacy with key stakeholders.