In 2021 Council prepared an initial stormwater map and invited people to information sessions. This helped to answer questions about the map and its use for land development. Then, building surveyors started to use the map for building permits.
In 2021 Council said the next step was to prepare an updated map.
There is a Consultation Summary Report on Council’s website, which describes the 2021 consultation for the initial maps.
In 2023 Council prepared the updated map, mailed information to affected people, and invited them to additional information sessions.
There is a Consultation Summary Report on Council’s website, which describes the 2023 consultation for the updated map.
In late 2023 the updated map was designated for use by building surveyors. Council then used this map to prepare its SBO2 proposal.
Once a final map is in the Merri-bek Planning Scheme it can be used to help landowners who prepare planning permit applications for land affected by the final SBO2 map.
The Planning and Environment Act 1987 sets out when compensation can be considered.
Section 98 of the Act does not include compensation for the application of zones or overlays in planning schemes.
Special Building Overlays (SBOs) for stormwater maps do not prohibit land use or development.
Special Building Overlays (SBOs) do not reserve land for public purpose.
Yes. Council puts information in a property information database for conveyancers to use. Melbourne Water also does this.
Council has various solutions, these include:
1. A Drainage Improvement Plan has identified priority locations where drainage works can reduce the impact of the 1 in 10 year storm
2. Council is using this Drainage Improvement Plan to fund drainage works in places with the greatest need.
3. Council also funds other works to repair drains and does maintenance.
4. Council's approach to maintenance includes drain inspections and street sweeping.
5. Council prompts land developers to retard stormwater runoff and have areas where stormwater can get into the ground.
6. Council is guided to use the Victorian Government's planning system, which prompts using Special Building Overlays (SBOs) to get stormwater maps in planning schemes.
7. When a severe storm happens, working with the Victorian State Emergency Services and Victoria Police to manage risks.
Property rates are not affected by the stormwater map. For more information about the calculation of property rates see the Understand your rates page of Council's website.