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Council has updated its stormwater map

We wrote to people with land affected by stormwater flows from infrequent but significant storms. We did this because the Victorian Government has a planning process to prepare, share and use stormwater maps.

Council manages the smaller, local drainage areas. Melbourne Water manages the bigger, main drainage areas. The updated map is only for Council's local drainage areas.

What does the map show?

The map shows land affected by stormwater flow paths in a 1 in 100-year storm across Council's drainage catchment area. A 1 in 100 year storm has a one percent chance of happening in any year. The 1 in 100 year storm measure is the engineering and planning standard for preparing stormwater maps.

What is the map for?

The map is for people who want to build on land affected by stormwater flows in 1 in 100 year storm events. Building on land needs a permit, so the map will go into the planning scheme. This is so Council and land developers can ensure that new development considers stormwater flows. The map also helps Council to identify areas for drainage improvements.

Council's updated stormwater map is shown in orange.

To navigate the display:

  1. First, type the address in the Search Address box at the top-right of the map to find the address on the map.
  2. The map will then go to the address and an information box for the address will appear.
  3. If the land at the address is affected by a stormwater map, the information box will tell you.
  4. If your land is affected you can find out more on the Stormwater map for Council drainage areas page.

Other maps can be displayed by clicking on the Layer List which is found to the left of the Search Address box. This includes Council's initial stormwater map which is being replaced by the updated map. Melbourne Water's existing mapping in Merri-bek can also be displayed.

This map is best seen on a desktop or laptop computer

If you have neither, consider visiting one of our libraries.

If you are vision impaired or you are having trouble reading this map, please contact Strategic Planning on 9240 1111.

How will the proposed stormwater map affect new development on your property?

Merri-bek City Council acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional custodians of the lands and waterways in the area now known as Merri-bek, and pays respect to their Elders past and present, as well as to all First Nations’ communities who significantly contribute to the life of the area.

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