image of person standing next to a bin and waving

We have invited all residents, including those that rent their home, to select the right rubbish bin size for their household.

Residents and tenants are in the best position to decide the bin size that best meets the needs of their household. It's important that households have the right bin size for them to prevent other issues such as overflowing bins, litter and contamination in other bins.

As changes to the bin size affect the waste charge paid at your property, we will let you know before the trial begins if there is a change to the size of the rubbish bin and how this may impact the waste charge.

The waste charge will still be calculated based on the size of the rubbish bin at the trial property. The waste charge is paid by the property owner and listed on your annual rates notice. Smaller bins have a lower waste charge, larger bins have a higher waste charge.

Properties in the trial areas (with fortnightly collections) will have a lower rubbish bin waste charge than those outside of the trial areas (with weekly collections).

The standard waste charge applies to standard sized bins. The standard rubbish bin size for trial households will change from an 80-litre bin to a 120-litre bin.

We contacted landlords by post in February 2025 with more information on the trial.