About Amendment C180more

Amendment C180more proposes to rezone the land at 430-436 Victoria Street and 7 Gardiner Street, Brunswick from Industrial 1 Zone to Commercial 2 Zone. The Commercial 2 Zone will provide an opportunity for a broader range of commercial and employment activity to the area whilst at the same time continuing to prohibit residential development.

Amendment C180more also recommends applying a Design and Development Overlay - Schedule 29 (DDO29) to the sites to guide the scale and design of future development, including:

  • Making sure the scale does not dominate or overshadow the adjacent Clifton Park to protect the amenity of the park.
  • Directing a landscape design that integrates any new development into the parkland setting and which improves the streetscape environment
  • A design that provides an outlook to the park and adjacent streets to assist in surveillance and safety of the area.

The current industrial zoning permits land uses that may cause land contamination. Amendment C180more also introduces an Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) to these sites to ensure any potentially contaminated land is identified and appropriately managed in accordance with State Government legislation.

Approval of Amendment C180more

Amendment C180 was submitted to the Minister for Planning on 5 July 2021 following Council's resolution to adopt the Amendment at the 9 June 2021 Council meeting.

Amendment C180 was approved by the Minister for Planning on 21 September 2021. These approved Planning Scheme changes are expected to be gazetted (ie go live) in October/November 2021.

For more information

Contact Information
Phone 9240 1111
Email strategicplanning@moreland.vic.gov.au


Please be aware that Merri-bek City Council collects information from organisations and individuals during the planning scheme amendment process through submissions made to an Amendment. Submissions may be hand written, electronic (both written and audio-visual) and often contain images, maps and plans. Submissions frequently contain personal information which at times may be sensitive for commercial, health or other reasons.

Natural justice and transparency are important parts of the Planning Scheme Amendment process. Under section 21(2) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic), Council must make all submissions to an Amendment available to view by any person at its offices for a period of two months after the Amendment is gazetted or lapses. This includes all personal names, telephone and address details, unless specifically requested to be deleted prior to the submission being made publicly available.

Submissions are used by Council when assessing the Amendment and summaries of submissions are included in any Council report that considers the Amendment following the close of exhibition.

Publication of Submissions on Council’s Website

Council will make all submissions available to view online on its website during the Planning Scheme Amendment process. All submissions made available online will be redacted to remove personal names, telephone and address details. Submissions will be removed from the website once the Amendment is finalised.

Use of your personal information

In accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) the personal information submitted by you is being collected by Merri-bek City Council for the submission process and it will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, except as a requirement of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic). This includes disclosing your personal information upon request (name and address only) to any person during the Planning Scheme Amendment process.

If you do not provide your name and address Council will not be able to consider your submission.

You can gain access to the personal information you have provided to Merri-bek City Council and if you wish to alter it, please contact Council’s Privacy Officer via telephone on 9384 9111 or email at privacyofficer@moreland.vic.gov.au

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