Michelle Guglielmo Park is open!

Construction is complete and the Michelle Guglielmo Park is open for all to enjoy

Image of the park showing trees, lawn, bleacher seating

260 Sydney Road Projector Project

Image of the park at night, showing the canopy and projector screen

The 260 Sydney Road projector platform provides a platform for community, artists, students, and filmmakers, to present work through month-long looped projections from dusk to dawn. Curated and managed by the Little Projector Company, the Twosixty Projector is a projected creative notice board for the communities of Merri-Bek, actively prioritising content of artists, curators who are First Nations people, CALD, women, LGBTIQ and people with disability.

For more information on the projection program visit https://littleprojectorcompany.com/twosixty

The Design

The feedback you provided us in 2022 and 2023 shaped the design of the park, which includes trees and planting, timber decks, bench seats, a lawn area, a drinking fountain, a canopy with integrated artwork and a film projector.

The final design for the park is shown on the interactive plan below. Scroll down to see a 360 interactive video of the park design (artists impression).