
Northumberland Rd, KW Joyce Reserve Shared Path, Kent Rd, Valerie St, Alpine Gv, Gyles St, Prospect St, Pascoe Vale Swimming Pool Car park and Rogers Reserve Path to Cumberland Rd crossing signals, Olive Gv, Sylvan Gv, Gaffney St crossing signals, Irvine St, O’Hea St.

Route map

At a glance

Why we are recommending this route

The recommended Pascoe Vale Shimmy route takes advantage of quiet, local roads with low numbers of cars driving and parking. These factors make it suitable for less confident or new cyclists.

The shimmy has a comparable number of hills and has a similar distance to the current route. This route can be brought up to a suitable standard by a small number of shorter treatments at major road connections and crossings, which can be delivered in a shorter time period than other routes explored.