What is a residential development framework plan?

A residential development framework plan shows levels of housing change across a municipality. These are generally designated as minimal, incremental, and substantial change areas.

Minimal change areas generally have special features that make them distinct from other areas. This includes things like heritage, environmental or landscape characteristics.

Incremental change areas generally have the capacity to provide more and diverse housing. New housing respects existing or preferred neighbourhood character.

Significant change areas are generally close to jobs, services, facilities, or public transport (for example an activity centre). They provide more intense housing compared to minimal or incremental change areas. This includes a new built form (such as townhouses, apartments) and character.

Identifying housing change areas help councils prioritise competing housing and neighbourhood character objectives. This also provides certainty to the community about where increased housing development will occur.

What does Merri-bek’s residential development framework plan say?

Merri-bek has a residential development framework plan in the Planning Scheme. This includes a local policy at Clause 16.01-1L Homes in Merri-bek and a housing framework plan at Clause 2.04.

Our residential framework identifies 3 levels of change for different areas, minimal, incremental and significant. Click on the spots on the map below to find out more.

When reviewing the change areas, we must consider future housing change and Victorian Government policy, such as Plan Melbourne.

A map of Moreland with each of the change areas highlighted in a different colour.