About the project

The State Government is removing eight level crossings in Brunswick between Park Street in the south and Albion Street in the north. This project is expected to be completed by 2027.

The project is being delivered by the State Government through the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) and will see an elevated rail line built to replace the existing train line and boom gates. This will connect with the Coburg-to-Moreland elevated rail section that was completed in 2021.

This project will have a much larger impact to Brunswick than just the removal of boom gates. It will also open up new east-west routes across the suburb, create major new areas of open space and new landscaped areas, bring new public art, new station precincts, and impact the Upfield Shared User Path.

Although we are not delivering this project, Council has an important role to play in advocating on behalf of our community, and to work closely with the Level Crossing Removals Project throughout the life of the project.

In April Council officially adopted Reshaping Brunswick – a document that outlines Council’s vision for the Brunswick Level Crossing Removal Project for the life of the project.

Project updates

Advocating on behalf of our community

The removal of these level crossings in Brunswick brings the potential for many local benefits and the community’s voice has been critical in providing the detail that is needed to achieve this.

Our priority is to ensure the project realises these benefits, is well-planned, delivered to the highest quality, and constructed with the least possible disruption to our community.

We have listened to our community about what is most important in the design and delivery of this project and articulated Council's position in Reshaping Brunswick, which the LXRP will consider.

The LXRP has indicated it is in the early planning stages of the project, with some early site investigation works ongoing on the Upfield rail line.

We will continue to talk to our community throughout the delivery of the project, to identify and address any areas of concern, and continually feed this back to the LXRP.

Do you have a question about the Brunswick level crossing removals?

The best way to stay updated on the Upfield Line Level Crossing Removal Project is by subscribing to receive email updates from the State Government’s Big Build.

We encourage you to contact the LXRP directly on 1800 105 105 or at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au if you have any further queries.

To find out about works notices and disruptions in the Brunswick area, visit https://bigbuild.vic.gov.au/projects/level-crossing-removal-project/projects/brunswick