
Our bins will be changing. Tell us if you think it will work for Moreland.

12 August 2021

At the July Council Meeting the draft Kerbside Waste Services and Charges Policy was endorsed unanimously for community consultation. Community consultation opened this week.

We are proposing a waste service that was chosen based on feedback from the Moreland community as well as cost and environmental benefits.

The proposed service would see us collect Food and Garden Organic bins weekly (FOGO), Garbage and Recycling bins on alternate fortnights, a new Glass bin monthly and our Hard Waste collection would change to a pre-booked service.

We heard about the needs of different households. That's why we've included additional service options for those who need them.

Learn more about the proposed service, extra options to tailor it to meet your needs and how you can get involved if you live in Moreland.

Tell us if you think it will work for Moreland.