Your preferred 4-bin service options
During Stage 2 consultation in February and March 2021, we asked for feedback on a number of options for how our waste service could change as we move towards a 4-bin service. The options presented possible changes to standard bin sizes, collection frequency and other ways these services could be supported.
In our Conversation Starter Kit we compared food and garden organics (FOGO) and garbage bins separately to recycling and glass bins. You can view the outcomes from our community consultation, including which bin options were more preferred, in our Stage 2 Summary of Consultation.
On this page you can see how the options which were most preferred come together as a four-bin service.
What were the options?
Food and Garden Organics (FOGO) and Garbage Bins
We talked about FOGO and garbage bins together, because putting food waste in the FOGO bin means there is less waste in garbage bins.
The options for the standard FOGO and Garbage service that we were seeking feedback on were:
- Option 1 – Weekly 120L FOGO and Fortnightly 120L Garbage
- Option 2 – Fortnightly 120L FOGO and Weekly 80L Garbage
- Option 3 – Weekly 120L FOGO and Weekly 80L Garbage
Recycling and Glass Bins
We talked about recycling and glass bins together because separating glass impacts the yellow-lidded recycling bin.
The options for the standard Recycling and Glass service that we were seeking feedback on were:
- Option 1 – Fortnightly 240L Recycling and Monthly 120L Glass
- Option 2 – Weekly 120L Recycling and Monthly 120L Glass
Which options were preferred?
Overall, community feedback showed clear preferences among the options we presented in the Conversation Starter Kit. While we understand that not everybody has the same preferences, there were two clear service options emerging from your feedback.
You can view the top two service options as a 4-bin service below. Click on the tabs to see how the top two options would look on your kerbside over a four-week period. You can also view the pros and cons of each 4-bin service and compare the cost, environmental and community impacts.
Before we make a final decision about how often we pick up your bins and how we charge for our waste services, we need to consider your feedback alongside technical and operational matters.
This example combines Option 1 from FOGO and Garbage collections which was the most preferred option (selected by 57% of survey respondents) and Option 1 from Recycling and Glass collections which was the most preferred option (selected by 66% of survey respondents).
Key information:
- This option has the lowest cost per household.
- This option sends the least amount of garbage to landfill and diverts the most food and garden organic waste from landfill, and does the most to help achieve our zero waste goal.
- This option avoids the most greenhouse gas emissions, does the most to help achieve our zero carbon goal.
- This option has the least bins on the kerbside on bin night and the least number of trucks on our roads collecting bins.
- This option requires the biggest change for residents from our current service.
This example combines Option 2 from FOGO and Garbage collections which was the second most preferred option (selected by 32% of survey respondents) and Option 1 from Recycling and Glass collections which was the most preferred option (selected by 66% of survey respondents).
Key information:
- This options has the second lowest cost per household.
- This option sends the most amount of garbage to landfill and diverts the least amount of food and garden organic waste from landfill and does the least to help achieve our zero waste goal.
- This option creates the most greenhouse gas emissions and does the least to help achieve our zero carbon goal.
- This option has the least bins on the kerbside on bin night and the least number of trucks on our roads collecting bins.
- This option requires a moderate change for residents from our current service.
Can I still view the other 4-bin service options?
You can view all five combinations of the 4-bin service from the options we presented during Stage 2 consultation in early 2021 and compare the pros and cons of each by viewing our detailed comparison chart. The chart outlines key data for a range of cost, environmental and community impacts.
To help us compare the options, we referred to indicative modelling data to understand how each option impacts on cost and environmental performance, including our goals of zero waste to landfill and zero carbon emissions. The modelling was prepared for Council in November 2020 and provides indicative figures for assessment and comparison purposes. Final costs will vary depending on the final service option chosen, government funding and industry pricing.
The cost to send each tonne of waste to landfill (the landfill levy, charged by the State Government), is set to double over the next few years. This means costs of the service, and therefore costs to the community, will increase regardless of the final service option. Diverting waste from landfill helps to keep service costs down, meaning less cost to ratepayers.
For more detailed information, view our Conversation Starter Kit or read the independent consultant's report.