rents her home
We need a bigger bin but our landlord chooses the bin size.
In early 2020, the Victorian Government announced that all local council waste services will transition to a four-bin service to reduce waste to landfill, improve the quality of recyclables and have a system that we can rely on.
This change will see the introduction of a new ‘glass only’ recycling stream and a food and garden organics (FOGO) service for all households in Victoria.
All households using Council waste services will see changes to their bins, including rental households. The waste charge will continue to be paid by your landlord.
We want to hear from tenants like Mahek about improvements to the household waste service and how we can make them work for our community.
Do you have access to a food and garden organics (FOGO) bin (light green lid)?
Which of the proposed options are best for you?
Your feedback will help us draft an updated Kerbside Waste Service and Charges Policy that we will present later in 2021.
For more information on the project please return to our home page.