
10 Year Capital Works Programs for Walking and Cycling report delayed

14 April 2022

Thank you so much for your interest in the 10 Year Capital Works Programs for Walking and Cycling.

We are pleased to report that the response to the consultation has been exceptional. At the time of publication, we have received 880 submissions via our interactive map, and 270 survey responses.

Considering this large volume of data, we have made the decision to present our report at the June Council Meeting, rather than May. This will allow us to properly review your feedback, and give it the consideration it deserves.

With this additional time, we have also elected to extend the consultation by one week. It will now close on 19 April after the Easter long weekend.

Page updates

As well as extending the period for feedback, we have made some updates to the Conversations Moreland page.

  • The spreadsheet in the document library has been updated to review the last three rows as they were either elsewhere in the program, or an advocacy project that falls outside of this program.
  • The interactive mapping tool has been updated to show upcoming works for the Department of Transport.
  • The Derby Street Kent Road bike improvements, and Upfield Extension projects have been shown on the map as “existing infrastructure” to give a better picture of the cycling network.
  • PDF versions of the draft programs have been added to the document library for those who had issues viewing the Excel file.

Some minor discrepancies were found between the survey timing questions and the draft program. As these are minor to the overall review of the feedback we will just take note during the analysis.

Thank you again for your continued interest in this program, and the future of Moreland’s Bike and Pedestrian projects. We will be in touch with more updates in the future.