This page is intended for residents and property owners of Guthrie Street.

We have modified Brunswick West street tree project. Further investigation into the possibility to plant trees in the centre of the road and in footpaths will only be done in Guthrie Street at this time. We are doing this because multiple Guthrie Street residents have requested for this work to proceed.

  • We will be consulting directly with Guthrie Street residents and property owners to gauge support for the in-road tree planting.
  • We will only plant trees in the road if more than 50% of Guthrie Street residents and property owners (combined) support the project.
  • Guthrie Street residents and property owners will have the opportunity select one of 3 trees to be planted in the road if the project goes ahead.
  • The trees are suitable for our future climate, drought tolerant, disease resistant and be a combination of evergreen and deciduous to address concerns of over-shading.
  • The proposed trees are listed below with images and information to help you choose your preference.
  • There will be no loss of existing car parking spaces, creation of new car parking spaces, nor a need for new nature strips.

Consultation on tree-planting in the footpath will be done directly with people who live and own property adjacent to the tree pits.

Join the conversation

Guthrie Street pop-up

Saturday 22 June 2024


Come and chat with Council staff under the Marquee on Guthrie Street. We will be available to answer any questions you may have about the pilot project.

Tree options for in-road planting

Use the arrows to scroll through the 3 trees we are considering planting in the in-road tree pits.