We are upgrading the play space at Rayner Reserve, Oak Park. The initial round of consultation has been completed and we have responded to your feedback with the draft designs below.
Final Play Space Design
We have received your feedback on the draft design and incorporated this into a final design for the Rayner Reserve Play Space. The key items of the feedback were;
- a broader age range was desired, inclusive of older teens
- the sand pit was not desired due to the high maintenance required
- monkey bars were requested
- an in-ground trampoline was preferred over the spinner
- the triple swing with nest was preferred
The design was done in conversation with our disability planner in order to provide more inclusive play spaces in Merri-bek.
The larger play tower has been included to address the first item. The sandpit has been removed and replaced with monkey bars. A large in-ground trampoline has been included that allows for wheelchair use. The triple swing is included and rubber soft fall provided for inclusive access.
The full plan is available for download in the Document Library and an interactive map is provided below with 'hotspot' images showing more detail of the type of play equipment proposed.
Final Play Space Design
Below is the final design incorporating your feedback. Council will now proceed with a full design package and commence construction in early 2022.
A full pdf version can be downloaded from the Document Library section on this page.
Click the icons below to see images of proposed play equipment and materials
Rayner Reserve Play Space