
Vote on a name for the new park!

21 February 2024

Last year we asked you to share your naming suggestions for the new park. As a result of this community submissions process, we received many naming ideas - thank you for your submissions!

We reviewed the suggested names against the State Government’s Naming rules for places in Victoria – Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities – 2022 and the Naming Merri-bek's Places Policy.

We created a shortlist of 3 names which were endorsed by Council and invite you to vote for your preferred name.

Proposed names

  • Wa dam buk

    Wa dam buk means ‘renew’ in Woi-wurrung language.

    This name was provided by Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation as a proposed name during the voting for a new name for the municipality. The name was not successful in that naming project and the two community persons put forward this name.

  • Michelle Guglielmo

    Michelle Guglielmo was both a resident and employee of Council and contributed significantly to establishing the Counihan Gallery as a reputable contemporary arts space supporting local, national and international artists. Michelle was a curator of the Counihan Gallery from 2002-2006 until she passed away from ovarian cancer.

    The Counihan Gallery is located at Brunswick Townhall Brunswick, directly opposite the new park at 260 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

  • Noogal nganjin

    Noogal nganjin means ‘we belong’ in Woi-wurrung language. This name was provided by Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation.

Other ways you can vote

Prefer not to vote online? You can also make a submission in these ways:

Pauline Kiely, Property Officer
Merri-bek City Council
Locked Bag 10, Brunswick 3056.

please include reference NAM/2023/2 in the subect line

In person
Merri-bek Civic Centre at 90 Bell Street Coburg

All submissions should include the reference NAM/2023/2, your name and residential address.
Submissions must be received by 5pm, Friday 22 March 2024

If you wish to object, you must explain why you do not support the names(s) in writing.