Based on the results of our survey and poll asking community members what kind of business they would most like to see outdoors, the Love Outdoors campaign was launched in Jan 2022. You can stay up to date with the events happening here.
Love Merri-bek, Outdoors
As part of the Victorian Government’s COVIDSafe Outdoor Activation Fund, we want to help more businesses in Moreland operate outdoors in a COVIDSafe manner.
Last year, we ran a successful outdoor dining program that helped over 280 cafes, bars and restaurants in Merri-bek expand outdoor dining as part of their COVID-19 recovery.
Outdoor trading is now being offered to more types of businesses
Now, we are looking to help bring business outdoors for not only hospitality businesses, but retail and the creative sector too.
By working with the arts, culture and creative sector, we also want to activate our outdoor spaces by creating vibrant, welcoming and lively spaces for the Merri-bek community.
Project Updates
Survey for Merri-bek businesses and creatives
We want to hear from all Merri-bek business owners who are interested in outdoor trading. How can our Love Merri-bek Outdoors program help your business recover and thrive as we reopen.

Community Poll
What kinds of businesses are you most excited to see outdoors?
This poll has concluded.