What is the Urban Forest?

The term "urban forest" refers to trees and other vegetation in public and private spaces including street and park trees, front and backyard vegetation, grasslands, shrubs, wetlands, nature strips, balcony plants, and green roofs and walls.

Why do we need an Urban Forest Strategy?

Improving the urban forest quality and urban greening activities like planting trees and vegetation contributes to liveability, community health and wellbeing, and higher property values.

Protecting our tree and vegetation cover is important for many reasons, to:

  • provide shade and wind protection
  • provide relief from the urban heat island effect
  • contribute to local biodiversity and provide a home for birds and wildlife, and
  • improve the attractiveness, sense of place, and landscape of Merri-bek’s suburbs.

You can find out more about trees and the urban forest in Merri-bek on our website.

What are the goals of our Urban Forest Strategy?

Our vision is to transform Merri-bek into a municipality where healthy trees and vegetation are a core part of our urban environment. Our Urban Forest Strategy aims to double tree canopy cover across Merri-bek, bringing it to 30% by 2050.

Projects contributing to our Urban Forest

Click on the spots to see some of the projects that are helping expand and improve our Urban Forest