
Update on works on the north and south sportsfields, and floodlighting

23 August 2023

Over the coming months, major works will take place at Hosken Reserve, and as a result some heavy machinery and trucks will be entering and exiting the Reserve as these works are completed. During this period, our appointed contractor will ensure appropriate traffic management, safe pathways and access, and required fencing in place to ensure the community and community members safety.

The above map outlines the main entrance for all machinery and deliveries through Shepheard Street and Bakers Street, and temporary fencing around the north sportsfield. We anticipate these works to take approximately 10 months to complete.

Upgrades of the tennis pavilion are also well underway with 80% of the works on site now complete.

We’re excited to see these works unfold as we continue to deliver on the Hosken Reserve Masterplan.