What is planned?

We are upgrading the play space at H M Dowd Reserve in Pascoe Vale. We want to hear about your experience of the park, what you love about it and what you think could be improved.

Your feedback will inform a draft concept plan which you will be invited to comment on before we finalise the design.

Join the conversation

  • Phase 2: draft concept plan

    After we hear from the community we will prepare a draft plan for community feedback.

  • Phase 3: final design

    Once we have your feedback on the draft concept plan, we will adjust the concept plan to reflect your inputs as much as possible.

How can the community influence this project?

What can be influenced?

  • Type of play equipment to include
  • Type of seating and locations.
  • Positioning of other elements in the reserve.
  • Access into the reserve.

What can't be changed?

  • The playspace will likely remain in its current location.
  • We are planning to work with the electrical supplier to remove the adjacent light pole to increase the playspace.
  • Limited space and neighbouring properties means that large play elements, like flying foxes, basketball half courts and tower combination units, cannot be included.
  • The final design must fit within the available budget.

What happens next

After collecting ideas from our community, they are collated and used to inform the new design of the park and playground. When the concept design is completed, it will be displayed for the Community to provide feedback which may further informs some amendments if required or beneficial to the outcome. The Final Concept Plan will be displayed to the public whilst detail design and documentation for construction happens. Construction will then follow with the community informed of the timing.