Fitness equipment upgrade
The existing Outdoor Gym can be found near the car park opposite intersection Golf Road and Newlands Road, in Coburg Lake Reserve. As this fitness equipment is reaching its end of life, Council has upgraded it with new equipment this financial year.
The final concept plan is shown below, which includes your feedback on the draft plan as much as possible.
Works have almost completed. Once the temporary fencing has been removed you will be able to start enjoying using the new fitness equipment.
The new drinking fountain, furniture and shade trees near this fitness area have also now been installed.
We have cleared up and mulched the garden beds in the adjacent car park and will be planting up there in Autumn.
Minor car park upgrade
We have converted the three end car park bays in the car park to be wheelchair-accessible, including a new access path from one of these bays to meet the existing reserve path. These bays are now only for use by those with a disabled sticker visible on their vehicles.
Final Concept Plan
Below shows the final concept plan for the fitness equipment area. You can click on the highlighted buttons below to see images.
You can also view the consultation summary report.

Draft Concept Plan
The draft concept plan is shown below, consultation has now closed.