Many people already make choices to reduce their consumption of new goods and repair what they own. They choose to buy second-hand items and borrow, swap or share with others. They also reuse, repurpose, and recycle goods. They may also grow their own food and use their kerbside food and garden organics bin or compost any leftover food waste.

Increasing community understanding on how to recycle correctly has the potential to our reduce waste to landfill. Talking about how much waste goes to landfill and options to reduce, recycle and reuse can also play a role in reducing waste. Workshops, education and information for community about how to reduce waste and programs that enable waste reduction activities can also play a part.

Council supported initiatives that encourage a circular economy

Council offers various programs and services that encourage a circular economy. Learn more below:

Community initiatives that encourage a circular economy

There are so many initiatives, businesses and services within our community that encourage a circular economy. Learn more below: