A circular economy aims to transform how we make and use products. It challenges us to think about how we can use things again and again.

We are developing a new Circular Economy Strategy that will guide how we manage waste and resources in Merri-bek over the next 5 years.

  • What programs, services or initiatives in our community could we support to increase repair or reuse?
  • What programs, services or initiatives could Council implement to increase uptake of circular activities within Merri-bek?

What happens next

Following this stage of community consultation, the summary findings will be shared with Councillors in April 2024. Further analysis of the engagement findings with cross-Council stakeholders will inform a draft strategy and action plan.

The draft strategy and action plan will then go to a Council Meeting in March 2025 for endorsement for public exhibition. The second stage of community consultation will run for 3 weeks in April 2025.

The final strategy and action plan are due to be presented to Council by mid-2025.