Engagement on the Climate Risk Strategy


In June and July 2022, after a review of engagement from previous climate projects, we presented a draft Climate Risk Strategy to our community for feedback.

Who we heard from

  • 50 people shared feedback through online tools on the Conversations Merri-bek page. See what tools we used by clicking the tabs above.
  • 10 members of a Council Advisory Committee or Reference Group attended a stakeholder workshop
  • 5 people from our Age Friendly Reference Group shared stories
  • We received 739 visits to the Conversations Merri-bek page and 312 downloads of the draft strategy.

What we heard

  • 82% of survey respondents either agreed or strongly agreed with the draft vision
  • Each of the 5 goals were supported by over 80% of survey respondents
Key impacts and risks that we heard are important to the community
  • Physical health impacts
  • Plant and animal loss and deaths
  • Mental health impact

Community Stories

Tell us about your experiences

We know our community supports action on climate change.

We are keen to hear your direct experience or stories about:

  • What changes to the climate and weather have you noticed most over the past decade?
  • Are you or loved ones already being impacted by warmer and/or more extreme weather? Give us a personal example.
  • Do you have examples of local people or organisations that are acting now to prepare ahead for warmer and more extreme weather?

Your stories will help us understand how climate change is currently impacting our residents.

Some stories may be used in the final strategy to ‘bring it to life’. They will also help us develop meaningful climate communications for the broader community.

You are welcome to share more than one story.


Engagement on the Foundational Action Plan

In 2023 we engaged on a draft Foundational Action Plan through an online survey.

What we heard

Overall, there was good support for the action plan and in delivering tangible benefits to the community, consistent with past engagement results.

There were some areas where the community wanted to see more action. You can expland the description below to see how we are addressing these areas in our delivery of our services.

Through our Urban Forest Strategy we are aiming to prioritise areas that are impacted by the Urban Heat Island Effect.

Council has a street cleansing program including a trial to prioritise flood prone areas. This is integrated with the Climate Risk Foundational Action Plan and we will work to develop performance measures.

We are working with our network of service providers to better support our community through the hot summers ahead. Based on forecasts, we are preparing for a hot and dry summer ahead across our community services and emergency management functions.

We are looking at how renters can benefit from thermal and solar grants. We will also continue to look at other opportunities for advocacy especially for energy efficiency for tenants

We review planning applications and provide recommendations on environmentally sustainable development. This is integrated with the Climate Risk Foundational Action Plan and we will work to develop performance measures.

We are implementing the action plan from July 2023 to June 2025. If you are interested in knowing more about our implementation, please reach out to the Climate Resilience Integration Lead.

For more information on how you can continue to support climate action, you can visit our Zero Carbon Merri-bek page. Community Action - Zero Carbon Merri-bek