Completion of park and playspace upgrade

In spite of a few setbacks to our works program, including some persistent and challenging weather conditions, work on refurbishing the park and creating a new playspace was finished on Thursday 21 December 2022.

We are pleased to have Anderson Park re-opened now that school holidays have started and there are signs of some summer weather.

Big thanks to all in the community for your invaluable feedback and patience, we hope you are able to find some time to enjoy the refreshed park and play facilities in this great little park.

Lawn, trees and garden beds

When you next visit Anderson Park you might notice some of the “green” parts look a little bare or unfinished, with some temporary signs with explanation of what’s happening in those locations.

Lawns: tough weather conditions have prevented us from having the new lawn established in time for the park re-opening. For this reason, we have strung flags around the central lawn for protection over the early part of summer. Once the grass has grown sufficiently for mowing, we will take down the temporary barrier so people can walk, sit and play on the fresh, green lawn.

Trees and garden beds: the late finish to other landscape works has put us right into summertime, when hot and dry conditions can be expected. That is not ideal conditions for new plants to establish, so you can expect to see planting of trees and garden beds from March-April in 2023.

Final Concept plan

Final Concept Plan with revised elements only shown coloured in plan

Previous engagement on this project