Project Update

Stage 1 involving road excavation and construction of underground drainage is now complete and Stage 2 involving similar works is underway.

Due to the service authority approval delay, the next stage to be delivered after Stage 2 will be the west side area close to Jewell Station. This stage will include construction of Little Gold Street and the raised shared zone area. The change of staging will allow us to keep progressing with the project.

For more information on the latest staging and dates please refer to Construction update flyer No.3 February 2025 and also Construction update: Temporary Loading Zones February 2025 below.

Wilson Avenue Construction

Wilson Avenue construction work will include mainly footpath reconstruction, road excavation, drainage, water main and asphalt works. The extent of work is shown in the Final Concept Design (October 2024).

The works will take approximately six to eight months and be completed in small stages to minimise impact. During construction, access will remain to all properties in the works area. Construction will happen in small stages to minimise impacts. We will work around the businesses’ opening hours to reduce inconvenience.

If your property is directly impacted, you will receive regular construction updates in the mail and in person. Council officers and the contractor will be on-site most days to help deal with any issues quickly.

For more information on the staging and dates please refer to the flyers below:

Updates on the project will be published regularly and will be available on-site and online. Please click ‘follow’ if you would like to receive updates via email.

Temporary Loading Zones

To accommodate accommodate businesses operations along Sydney Road which will temporarily have access restricted to their loading area, Council is allocating two temporary loading zones. One on Sydney Road from 8am to 4pm Monday to Saturday and the other on Little Gold Street from 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday.

The temporary loading zones will operate for approximately two weeks from the 2nd to the 16th of April to accommodate stormwater and services relocation on Wilson Avenue.

The temporary loading zones will be back in operation again for approximately two weeks in May when surface finishes are laid. Exact dates will be confirmed closer to the time. Please see flyer below for additional details:

Project Background

Council is upgrading Wilson Avenue between Jewell Station and Sydney Road. This work aims to improve pedestrian amenity, walkability and presentation of the street between Jewell Station and Sydney Road.

The feedback received from the community in 2021 shaped the Final Concept Design, with further minor refinement for construction purposes included after the public tender in 2024.

The project has been on hold for three years due to the construction of major developments along Wilson Avenue and will now commence in early 2025.

The Design

Before After

You told us you wanted

  • Improved pedestrian level lighting to increase perceived safety;
  • Widening of the footpath and traffic calming treatments, to address traffic dominance;
  • Street tree planting and additional vegetation, to increase overall amenity;
  • Designated seating and outdoor dining areas; and
  • Raised shared areas at both ends of the street, for flexible events and activities.

The design also includes

  • Water Sensitive Urban Design and Stormwater Management
  • Outdoor dining area with integrated umbrella footings
  • New feature trees on widened footpaths
  • Planter bed and public seating under trees
  • Ambience lighting under the seats
  • Feature seats which are moveable to cater for events.
  • High-quality pavement treatments and accessibility improvements
  • Street furniture such as seats, bins, bollards, and a drinking fountain.

Community consultation

As part of the project, temporary street pavement painting was undertaken to test the design and will be in place until construction commences. The painting outlines the future footpath lines, tree locations, and two proposed shared zones on Wilson Avenue. The testing informed the final concept plan.

Local artist Carla Gottgens painted the feature design "Ropes & Knots" and invites people to add stencils into the artwork. The work is inspired by Brunswick's ropemaking history.