
Kent Road bike lane trial update

28 September 2023

At the Council meeting of 13 September 2023, Council considered a report proposing the conclusion of the Kent Road bike lane trial in Pascoe Vale between Cornwall Road and Cumberland Road. The report included the outcomes of the community engagement between February and May 2023.

The community engagement results demonstrated that the community was not satisfied with trial Kent Road infrastructure and that a significant number of people who ride in the area did not feel safe using the bike lanes.

At the meeting, Council resolved to declare the trial complete, and for the separated bike lanes on Kent Road to be removed.

Council also resolved to start consultation on an alternative route for less confident bike riders, connecting infrastructure between Glenroy to Coburg. This alternate route included a section of separated bike lanes on the south side of Kent Rd between Cornwall Rd and Valerie St).

Following this decision, a motion of recission was submitted shortly after the Council meeting. As a result, the decision to remove the Kent Road separated bike lanes and begin consultation on the alternative route will not be implemented by Officers until the rescission motion is voted on at the next Council meeting. The resolution made at the 13 September 2023 Council meeting will only be implemented if the rescission motion is lost at the next meeting of Council scheduled 18 October 2023.

Further updates on the outcome of the decision will be posted after 18 October 2023.

The full report on the proposed conclusion of the Kent Road Separated Bike Lane Trial is available within the Council meeting agenda (agenda item 7.1) on our website.