
Council resolutions on bike lanes on Kent Rd and De Carle St

21 October 2023

On 20 October, a Councillor lodged two rescission motions seeking to rescind (overturn) two resolutions from the 18 October Council meeting. These were the resolution to make the Kent Road, Pascoe Vale bike lanes permanent; and the resolution to install protected bike lanes on De Carle Street, Coburg.

Under Council’s Governance Rules, the rescission motions are valid and must be referred to a Council meeting for consideration. So, at the next scheduled Council meeting, 8 November 2023, Council will debate the rescission motions and vote on whether to overturn those two decisions.

(The 18 October Kent Road bike lane resolution itself did follow a decision made by Council that night to rescind (overturn) the earlier resolution on the topic, made on 13 September.)

For information, below is the wording of the two resolutions adopted by Council on 18 October. These resolutions won’t be implemented for now, pending the outcome of the rescission motions on 8 November.

18 October 2023 Resolution - Conclusion of Kent Road Bike Lane Trial (now subject of a rescission motion)

That Council:

  1. Declares the trial of the Kent Road separated bike lanes complete.
  2. Approves making permanent the Kent Road separated bike lane infrastructure along the north (eastbound) side of Kent Road between Cornwall Road and Cumberland Road, and along the south (westbound) side of Kent Road between Cumberland Road and Cornwall Road.
  3. Investigates and implements modifications to the Cornwall Road and Kent Road intersection so that the bike and pedestrian crossing points are clarified.
  4. To install a zebra crossing outside the Pascoe Vale Health Medical Centre, noting this involves the removal of 5 parking bays.
  5. Acknowledges and thanks the community for their time and effort over the extended two-year trial in both identifying issues and working on solutions, which has provided valuable insight into the application of on-road physically separated bike lanes in the local context.

18 October 2023 Council Resolution - De Carle St Bike Lanes (now subject of a rescission motion)

That Council:

  1. Approves the installation of protected bicycle lanes on De Carle Street between Rennie Street and Moreland Road in line with previous designs developed for consultation in November 2021.
  2. Approves the removal of eight parking bays on the eastern side of De Carle Street between The Grove and Rennie Street to facilitate two-way vehicle movement.
  3. Approves the removal of three parking bays between Moreland Road and The Avenue to enable two-way vehicle passing gaps every 80 to 100 metres.
  4. Approves the installation of traffic calming treatments at roundabouts on De Carle Street between Moreland Road and Rennie Street to reduce vehicle speeds and address road safety risks.