What is planned?

We are upgrading the existing small playspace and providing some additional elements in this reserve, along with some park infrastructure improvements.

Consultation and design are now complete. We are now undertaking construction during this and next financial year (works expected to complete before September 2024).

Essential park infrastructure improvement works were completed in February, including hinged bollards in place of fixed bollards at path entries and a replacement drinking fountain with bike racks.

In April we are starting initial works across the reserve, including new garden bed areas, the nature-based play area and picnic seating areas. Construction notices explaining stages of works will be placed at each entry as we progress. We will then start the playspace upgrade.

The current revision of the consultation summary report can be viewed here

Project updates

Join the conversation

How can the community influence this project?

What can be influenced?

  • What type of play would you like to see in the playspace upgrade (e.g. swinging, climbing, sliding, balancing, spinning, etc) and for what child age ranges?
  • What additional elements would you like included in this reserve (e.g. garden beds, buffer planting, trees, a gathering space, table tennis, fitness equipment)?
  • Additional park furniture and fixtures (e.g. seating, picnic settings, accessible drinking fountain)?
  • Anything you can think of to make the space feel unique?

What can't be changed?

  • The upgrade will only cover the reserve and playspace, not surrounding areas (e.g. roads, car parking, lighting, services etc)
  • The playspace footprint cannot be enlarged owing to its surrounding footpaths. Large sized play elements (e.g. a flying fox or tower combination unit etc) cannot be included as insufficient space and proximity of neighbouring properties
  • Sports grounds and their facilities will not be included
  • Unless trees are dead or in decline they will not be removed as part of the works
  • Some park infrastructure elements need to be upgraded for improved accessibility (e.g. bollards and some fencing)
  • The works must fit into the available budget.