We want to ensure that everyone in Merri-bek can walk, ride and drive safely around our streets. One of the most effective ways we can do this is implementing lower posted speeds where appropriate.

​Glenroy Road, Widford Street and West Street

We have received approval from the Department of Transport (DoT) to reduce the speed limit from 60km/h to 50km/h on Glenroy Road, Widford Street and West Street in Glenroy and Hadfield. These are the last 3 remaining Council controlled roads in Merri-bek with a 60km/h speed limit.

The streets which will be reduced to 50km/h are highlighted in blue on the plan, which you can access in the Document Library on this page.

We are making this change as safer speed limits are proven to decrease crash risk, reduce road trauma and increase survivability for any people involved in such occurrences. Reducing speed limits to improve road safety and local amenity is a key action in Council's Transport Strategy 2019.

Previous consultation

In 2018, we consulted with the community on this speed reduction. We did so via an online survey. Letters were sent to all residents of the affected streets requesting their feedback, and an ad was taken in the Leader local newspaper. The reduction was supported by most affected residents.

Following this consultation, we applied to the Department of Transport, and received approval, to make the change.

Installation of new signs

We will be replacing the existing 60km/h speed limit signs with 50km/h speed limit signs in late January to mid-February. Additional 'New Limit' signs will also be installed to assist road users as they adapt to the change.

The streets which will receive the 50km/h speed limit are highlighted in blue on the attached plan.

There will be minimal-to-no impact to residents or road users during the sign installation.

We will be replacing the existing 60km/h speed limit signs with 50km/h speed limit signs in late January to mid-February. Additional 'New Limit' signs will also be installed to assist road users as they adapt to the change.

The streets which will be reduced to 50km/h are highlighted in blue on the plan, which you can access in the Document Library on this page.

The installation of these new signs will have minimal-to-no impact on residents or road users.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name James Lojko
Phone (03) 9240 2355
Email jlojko@merri-bek.vic.gov.au