We are planning on installing traffic calming in Railway Place, Brunswick to improve safety for all street users, particularly people walking and riding bikes using the Upfield Shared Path, and Union Street.
What we've done so far
This project began in 2020, when we consulted the community on a concept plan to install an off-road shared path in Railway Place, and refuge island on Union Street. At the 8 July 2020 Council Meeting, councillors supported that proposal.
However, when an engineering consultant started design works based on the concept, it was found there was not enough space to have the shared path to Union Street, to have the shared path reach the intersection and have two-way traffic. As Railway Place is a dead end, it would not be feasible to make it a one-way street, and as it is not appropriate for a laneway to be used as a road.
As such the works on Union Street and Railway Place were split into 2 projects. The Union Street refuge island works were designed and completed in July 2021, while the Railway Place section required further design work.
What we're planning
We were initially proposing to turn Railway Place into a shared zone and remove parking. A shared zone is where people walking shared the road with people on bikes and in vehicles.
However, due to the recent announcement by the State Government to remove eight additional level crossings by elevating the Upfield rail line. As such, and it is expected that this section of the Upfield bike path will no longer run through Railway Place as it will be relocated under the elevated train line. Therefore, the shared zone will no longer be an appropriate option.
We are now proposing to install a raised threshold treatment at Union Street.
Improving accessibility
The raised threshold treatment will improve safety and accessibility for people using the intersection. Raised platforms at threshold treatments make it easier and safer for people walking as the grade is at the same level.
Additionally, the raised threshold ramps will slow vehicles travelling in and out of Railway Place.

Plan – Threshold Treatment – Union Street and Railway Place
Have your say
Above is a diagram illustrating our proposed plan. We want to know what you think of this.
Please email your thoughts, ideas, or concerns to kkasmawan@merri-bek.vic.gov.au and include your full name and the address of the property you own or occupy. Please email your feedback by Sunday 18 December 2022.
If you have any issues submitting an email, please call Council’s Transport Projects Engineer, Kris Kasmawan on (03) 9240 1294.

Example Photo – Threshold Treatment