We developed a Public Place Service Improvement Plan following the community engagement and analysis of feedback. The plan discusses the many services, infrastructure, and assets that the Council manages and provides in public spaces to ensure that Merri-bek places and spaces are clean, safe, and inviting.

What we learned

The community feedback confirmed that the four most important concerns to the respondents were:

Council has developed improvement initiatives for each of these areas

Please refer to the Public Place Service Improvement Plan for details on these initiatives and the Community Engagement Report to read the feedback provided by respondents.

What are public place services?

We are responsible for overseeing a wide range of services that enhance and maintain infrastructure throughout Merri-bek. These services include things like:

  • looking after our parks and open spaces
  • cleaning our streets and footpaths
  • picking up rubbish
  • removing graffiti.

Plan principles

Our plan for service improvement focused on these 4 principles:

Survey now closed

We have identified the most common types of customer service requests we receive. We want to hear about what services are of most concern to you and what you think we should prioritise. We want to understand why this issue is important to you and how the Council and community can work together to improve our public spaces.

Please complete the online survey below.

If you prefer a paper survey, hard copies of surveys will be in Merri-bek libraries and upcoming events, from 1st July to 18th July.