Upgrade on hold
The streetscape upgrade at Pitt Street/Lygon Street was put on hold in the Capital Works program due to the fact that we first needed to understand what was happening with the Bunnings store that was proposed in this location. The vehicle entrances and exits of the Bunnings store would have impacted what was possible in the streetscape upgrade, so upgrading before this is known would risk the work having to be torn up or redone in a few years' time.
Continued uncertainty
Whilst we now know the outcome of the VCAT decision, which has gone against Bunnings’ proposal, Bunnings has said publicly that they are reviewing their options with the developer of the site over the coming months. This means that there is continued uncertainty about what will be delivered on this site (for example whether there is an amended proposal) and how it might impact what is possible for the adjacent streetscape.
Next steps
Once we know what will happen on the site, we will be able to progress the design for the streetscape and incorporate this into future Capital Works Plans.
Document Library
Final concept planPDF (516.36 KB)
Incorporating feedback from the draft concept plan made available during consultation held in February / March 2020.
Draft concept planPDF (563.38 KB)
Summary of consultation surveyPDF (34.61 MB)
Summary of findings from phase one of community consultation held in 2019.