
Vote for a name for the new park!

25 March 2024

Last year we asked you to share your naming suggestions for the new park - thank you to everyone who submitted suggestions!

We reviewed the suggested names against the State Government’s Naming rules for places in Victoria – Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities – 2022 and the Naming Merri-bek's Places Policy.

Council approved 5 names to be included in a voting poll. You are invited to vote on a name for this project.

Please cast your vote by 5pm Tuesday 16 April 2024. Only one vote per household.

Proposed names

  • Fabbrica Park

    meaning factory in Italian.

  • Fletcher Jones Park

    after the former clothing factory onsite owned by FJ and staff.

  • Foundry Park

    after the former steel foundry onsited located on the Lobb St corner.

  • Franco Cozzo Park

    after a locally famous migrant and Brunswick store.

  • Yubup Park

    meaning ‘Parrakeet’ in Woi-wurrung language.

Other ways you can vote

Prefer not to use this online form? You can also make a submission in these ways:

Liz McDonald
Merri-bek City Council
Locked Bag 10, Brunswick 3056.


In person

Merri-bek Civic Centre at 90 Bell Street Coburg

All submissions should include the reference NAM/2022/3, your name and residential address.

If you wish to object, you must explain why you do not support the names(s) in writing.