What is planned?

We are upgrading the park and playspace at Oulton Street Park in Fawkner.

This upgrade will include:

  • Upgrading the existing playspace
  • Improving seating and accessibility in the reserve
  • Providing additional planting (shade trees and garden beds)
  • Various park infrastructure improvements.

Project updates

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How can the community influence this project?

What can be influenced?

  • Type of play equipment.
  • Location and types of seating.
  • Other elements for inclusion.

What can't be changed?

  • The upgrade will only cover the reserve and playspace area, not the surrounding areas.
  • No sports elements can be included in this upgrade.
  • Unless trees are dead or in decline, none will be removed as part of this upgrade.
  • The playspace footprint will need to remain under the existing shade sail area.
  • We cannot include large play elements (e.g. flying foxes or tower combination units) as there is limited space for the playspace because neighbouring properties are close by.
  • We cannot include a public toilet with this upgrade in this small park.
  • The final design must fit within the available budget.