What is planned?

We are upgrading the park and playspace at Oulton Street Park in Fawkner.

This upgrade will include:

  • Upgrading the existing playspace
  • Improving seating and accessibility in the reserve
  • Providing additional planting (shade trees and garden beds)
  • Various park infrastructure improvements.

Project updates

Join the conversation

  • Phase 2: draft concept plan

    After we hear from the community we will prepare a draft plan for community feedback.

  • Phase 3: final design

    Once we have your feedback on the draft concept plan, we will adjust the concept plan to reflect your inputs as much as possible.

How can the community influence this project?

What can be influenced?

  • Type of play equipment.
  • Location of seating
  • Other elements for inclusion

What can't be changed?

  • The playspace footprint will need to remain under the existing shade sail area.
  • We cannot include large play elements (e.g. flying foxes or tower combination units) as there is limited space for the playspace because neighbouring properties are close by.
  • The final design must fit within the available budget.