This consultation is now closed. We appreciate everyone's participation and feedback.

Council’s Living and Ageing Well Framework was endorsed by Council in 2019.

The Living and Ageing Well Framework aims to support the wellbeing of older residents in Merri-bek with a focus on opportunities for active ageing. It was developed in consultation with our community and is informed by the World Health Organisation's Age Friendly Environments.

Now we are reviewing the achievements and learnings from the past 4 years of actions that have come out of the framework. This will inform the priorities of the next action plan.

We want to hear your thoughts about the current and future priorities for older people in Merri-bek.

Join the conversation

We want to hear about our community's experiences of ageing in Merri-bek. What has been working well, and what could be better, for older people to have happy and healthy lives in our community?

Share your experiences and suggestions by filling out an online, on this page. There is a survey for people who are 55 years or above and a survey for people who are under 55 years old.

There are open questions at the end of the survey where you can provide your feedback in your own words.

Surveys are open until 10 June.

How can the community influence this project?

What can be influenced?

By doing the survey, your responses can influence:

  • The types of projects or initiatives that Council will prioritise under the Living and Ageing Well Framework (for example, you can share your opinion on what is most important for older people to live well)
  • The ways that Council will deliver initiatives for older people (for example, some projects might be led by older people and supported by Council, sor they may be delivered by Council itself)

What can't be changed?

The Living and Ageing Framework was developed to guide best practice age friendly principles across all areas of Council. It was developed in consultation with staff and community members, and is based on global and local policies.

  • You can provide your feedback about this document in the open comments section of the survey. Your responses may influence how we promote and communicate the key messages of the Framework. However, the vision, objectives and basic structure of the Framework are non-negotiable.
  • We will consider all feedback when planning our next 5 year priorities for older people. However, final decisions on priorities and actions will be made by Council.

Please see the Frequently Asked Question section for more information.

What happens next

Your feedback will help us write an evaluation report for Council later this year. We will outline the key achievements and learnings from the past 4 years of actions that have come out of the Living and Ageing Well Framework. The report will then guide our next 5 year action plan under the Living and Ageing Well Framework.

A summary of the evaluation report will be published on our website in early 2025. The action plan is an operational document which will not be made public, but the priority areas will be published along with the evaluation report summary.