What is a key worker?
Key workers are people whose jobs cannot be done from home.
They work in Merri-bek to ensure that Merri-bek residents have access to the goods and services they want and need. They keep the Merri-bek economy functioning, our services operating and our businesses and residents thriving.
They might be sales assistants or retail managers, child carers, aged or disabled carers, teachers, receptionists, nurses or personal care workers, bar attendants or baristas, chefs or kitchen hands, or many others.
We're undertaking research about Merri-bek key workers to understand the emerging issues that affect key workers’ ability to work in Merri-bek, and the impacts on themselves and their families, their employers and our residents.
Sectors key workers work in...

Common key workers issues
- Commuting
- Cost of living
- Housing affordability and choice
- Can’t work as many hours as they’d like
- Recruitment difficulty
- Impact on opening hours
- Staff turnover, recruitment and training costs
- Access to services (availability, delays, etc)
- Staff turnover / interrupted service
Get Involved
Whether you’re a key worker, local business or service, or resident, we’d like to hear about the impacts you experience by completing our short survey.This community engagement has closed. A report on the feedback is now available to read.