We want to thank all community members who submitted feedback online or attended the pop-up session regarding the Hillview Avenue tree and passive irrigation project.
We have captured all your comments from our engagement via the website and in person session.
What you told us
We received a total of 119 visits to the page. We also asked you to nominate the species of tree that will be planted in the gaps within Hillview Avenue and received 23 responses. The responses were weighted using the following criteria where respondents who:
- Reside in Hillview Avenue (50%)
- Reside in a side street (eg. Reynard Street, Ellenvale Avenue, Purches Avenue, McKeon Avenue, Woodlands Avenue) (30%)
- Reside within 1km of the project (20%)
- Reside in Pascoe Vale South (10%)
Next steps: Hillview Avenue tree upgrade
We thank all residents who participated in our engagement and provided comments.
Based on this feedback we will be be planting Kurrajong Hybrid (Brachychiton populneus x acerifolius 'Jerilderie Red') in Hillview Avenue during the 2023 tree planting season which goes from April - September.
Passive irrigation works in Hillview Avenue are expected to be completed by 16 September 2022.
Find out what happened previously in this project
What are the benefits of this project?
Benefits of the project are to improve the drainage capability of Hillview Avenue and to upgrade the infrastructure, whilst installing a water reticulation system that allows for more water to be reused and recycled instead of just discharging this to the stormwater system and to the creeks. This helps the environmental impact by reducing the runoff as well as providing this water to be used for the local trees.
Passive irrigation systems direct runoff from rain events (roof water and stormwater) to landscapes, at either the surface (where the water infiltrates vertically down through the soil) or through subsurface systems that recharge soil moisture at depth where plant roots can access it.
The system we are installing will divert both surface and stormwater from the road runoff to a subsurface system that will recharge soil moisture at depth. This means we should not need to use as much precious drinking water to establish the new trees we plant and that the existing trees will be able to access an additional source of water with their roots.
(Adapted from watersensitivecities.org)