
Esslemont Reserve Feedback

2 November 2023

Back in September, we let people know we are upgrading the playground and park environment at Esslemont Reserve to make it a place where people of all ages can enjoy outdoor activities, play and relaxation.

After hearing ideas from the community in September and October, we've recorded everything in a summary of feedback, as a useful reference to guide renewal of this great park.

We're now working on a concept plan that shows proposed changes to improve access to the park, provide more seating and picnic tables, add more trees for shade and plantings for biodiversity, as well as creating some more interesting play and other activities.

When completed in coming weeks, the draft concept plan will be published on the Conversations website with changes highlighted so people can click on those and see how those might look.

We'll let people know when that's available and look for lots of feedback from the community about what's being proposed.