Project updates


A thriving local economy is key to providing essential and non-essential products and services to local customers. In addition, thriving businesses attract visitors to Merri-bek and provide meaningful employment to local residents and workers from surrounding areas.

Through the Merri-bek Community Vision (2021 – 2031), we know that the Merri-bek community has an aspiration that Merri-bek’s public and commercial spaces bring people together in diverse ways. Acknowledging the unique strengths in different areas, the council and community support the development of vibrant hubs of business, arts, and recreation.

Council is developing an Economic Development Action Plan (2024-2027) that will set the course for how Council supports local businesses and the local economy across the next three years.

To help guide how we do this, we want feedback and ideas from local business owners and operators. This is your opportunity to actively participate in shaping our work plan.

A thriving local economy means more local jobs, and a healthier and happier community!

Council has a role to play in creating an environment that attracts businesses to Merri-bek. We also can provide support in ways that can help businesses develop and grow.

In recent years our work has been guided by the following Strategy and Plans:

  1. 2016 – 2021 Economic Development Strategy provided vision and direction for Council to support businesses. This guided the development of specific actions and work plans across the 5 year timeframe.
  2. 2022 – 2024 Visitor Attraction Action Plan provides key actions that build on the growing reputation of Merri-bek as a visitor destination and a place that is attracting young people to work and live. Businesses providing products and services in the visitor attraction sphere, help develop our culture and make a significant contribution to our local economy.

It is important that we gain a range of ideas and views from our business and worker communities. We have conducted and are seeking feedback through:

  • Surveys
    • Will be sent via email to over 10,000 local businesses
    • A link will feature in our fortnightly business e-newsletter (6,000+ business subscriptions)
    • Council staff will call and visit local businesses to administer surveys
  • Presentations to local Retail Trader Associations
  • Consulting with local Aboriginal Elders and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal
  • Consulting with the Merri-bek Community Connectors
  • Direct calls to local businesses to seek feedback
  • Direct questioning and workshop activities at Council business events
  • A workshop of up to 50 businesses and key stakeholders to seek feedback on the themes developed through survey and business engagement
  • Survey and workshop with internal staff who provide services to business

Business Survey

Quick facts about Merri-bek's local economy

How can you influence this project?

What can be influenced?

We need your help in:

  • Determining what kind of business support programs we run.
  • Determining what kind of industry support programs we run.
  • Identifying other support services that could be delivered to businesses.
  • Identifying and prioritising different types of economic develop programs that we could offer.
  • Identifying what problems are most pressing for businesses.

What can't be changed?

We cannot control issues that are outside our remit, such as:

  • Interest rates.
  • Inflation.
  • Federal and state government policy that is beyond our control.