
Community consultation complete

15 June 2022

Community feedback was sought between 13 January 2022 and 10 February 2022.

Your contributions informed changes before the detailed design and future project requirements.

  • 55 responses were received via Conversations Moreland. 40 people attended in-person consultation and 3 emails were received.
  • Over 66% of the feedback received was supportive of the proposed design.
  • We heard your concerns about;
    • How construction works will impact the use of the park,
    • How the raingarden will be maintained
    • If the raingarden will be muddy, attract mosquitos or pose a safety risk to children.
  • We also heard your requests for upgrading the existing shelter next to the proposed raingarden, educational signage and a public toilet.

Based on your feedback the following recommendations and changes will be undertaken as part of future stages of the project:

  • We will develop a construction management plan that specifies how the existing infrastructure will be managed during construction. This includes the footpath (main entry to the park), gym, trees and seating,
  • We will develop a maintenance plan. This will cover the schedule and scope of maintenance work, budget and expected asset lifecycle (i.e. when assets will need to be replaced).
  • We will include educational signage (subject to budget). These provide information on materials, water filtration and raingarden function.
  • We will adjust the shape of the raingarden slightly. This provides maintenance vehicles with better access to the community garden and the park.
  • We will tell relevant units in Council about the renewal of the shelter and discuss budgeting.

Requests that are outside the scope of this project will be raised with the relevant Council units:

  • Access to a public toilet
  • Maintenance of open space
  • Flooding issues
  • Rectification of asphalt.

In addition, Council is proposing to remove the timber structure situated over the footpath entering Dunstan Reserve from Everett Street.

The removal will support a clear path to maintain the park and the stormwater harvesting system.