What is planned?

We will be upgrading the park and existing playspace at Cox Reserve in Coburg North.

This upgrade will include:

  • Extending the playspace footprint to include a wider range of equipment and seating
  • An improved gathering space with additional picnic settings and drinking fountain around the BBQ
  • We are considering including a shelter over the gathering space and a shade sail over the playspace
  • Providing connecting paths through the reserve
  • Additional garden beds and shade trees.

Project updates

Join the conversation

  • Phase 2: draft concept plan

    After we hear from the community we will prepare a draft plan for community feedback.

  • Phase 3: final design

    Once we have your feedback on the draft concept plan, we will adjust the concept plan to reflect your inputs as much as possible.

How can the community influence this project?

What can be influenced?

  • What type of play equipment would you like to see included?
  • Where would you like to see seating in this reserve?
  • What do you think of other elements in the reserve (e.g. picnic areas, basketball court etc)?
  • Are you satisfied with pedestrian access into the reserve or what would you like to see changed?

What can't be changed?

  • The playspace footprint will need remain in its current location. We are also planning to work with the electrical supplier to remove the adjacent light pole to increase the playspace area. This is yet to be determined.
  • Some large play elements can be included though not very large ones (e.g. flying foxes) as there is limited space for the playspace.
  • The final concept design must fit within the available budget.