• ​Seniors Exploring Victoria

    7 cultural and 4 food tour excursions for Senior Moreland residents across Victoria. Locations and activities to be developed in collaboration with older Moreland residents

    Council Plan Theme: A healthy and caring Moreland

  • 1 new outdoor gym station

    Outdoor fitness equipment provides a fun, free and accessible way to be active in your local area.

    Council Plan Theme: An environmentally proactive Moreland

  • 5 new park benches on walking trails

    Not only is the park bench great for encouraging you to go outside, its simplicity allows you to take in your natural surroundings. It is suggested that if you sit outside among nature for at least half an hour you can reduce stress.

    Council Plan Theme Moving and living safely in Moreland

  • Establishing a community garden

    Community gardens are places where people come together to grow food, foster good health, green urban environments, support lifelong learning and cultivate vibrant communities.

    Council Plan Theme An environmentally proactive Moreland

  • Setting up a toy library

    Toy libraries aim to support families and encourage togetherness with quality time spent playing with children. At a toy library you can borrow from a vast array of well-made toys that have been designed to support your child’s skill development and imagination.

    Council Plan Theme A healthy and caring Moreland

  • Putting on a Lunar New Year event

    Lunar New Year celebrations are an important part of the local calendar. An event at the local neighborhood centre can bring people together and brighten the area with decorations, ceremonies or performances.